tuxgirlwelc.jpg (48352 bytes)
tuxgirlbar.jpg (10956 bytes)
~ I like little Pussy, her coat is so warm, and if I don't hurt her, she'll do me no harm. So I'll not pull her tail, nor drive her away, but Pussy and I very gently will play. ~ Source Unknown c. 1843
tuxgirlhome.jpg (4370 bytes)  tuxgirlback.jpg (4380 bytes)  tuxgirlnext.jpg (4326 bytes)
tuxgirlbul.jpg (9486 bytes)
tuxgirlmail.jpg (4308 bytes)  tuxgirlsign.jpg (4222 bytes)  tuxgirlread.jpg (4484 bytes)
tuxgirlbul.jpg (9486 bytes)
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tuxgirlbar.jpg (10956 bytes)
tuxgirllogo.jpg (11936 bytes)  notecardtuxgirl.gif (34422 bytes)
Please use one of these logos on the same page that you use the background. Link to http://kittywompuss.com
tuxgirlbar.jpg (10956 bytes)
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If you like the mouse cursor trail, you can copy the script from:


The paw print image  is from:

BJ's Haven

Additional instructions for the script are provided there.
tuxgirlbar.jpg (10956 bytes)